Crypto Capture – NSF 50 Certified Filters With Media Additive to Reduce Cryptosporidium

Highly contagious Cryptosporidium, or “Crypto,” is the leading cause of waterborne gastrointestinal illness in the U.S. Because it is also extremely tolerant to chlorine, Crypto has posed a major risk for public pools and aquatic facilities.

But the threat of a Crypto outbreak doesn’t loom large anymore.

Introducing Crypto Capture, the new media additive used with an AquaRevival filtration system, which together has been certified by NSF International to reduce Cryptosporidium.

Designed to Be Combined

Crypto Capture serves as an additive to your regular media. When mixed in the correct ratio, your AquaRevival Regenerative Media Filter is primed to filter out Crypto.

NSF-Certified as the 1st and Only

AquaRevival is the only filtration company in the aquatics space to undergo stringent NSF testing for Crypto reduction

During the NSF certification process, Crypto Capture was used in the proprietary media blend with AquaRevival’s filter to specifically filter out Cryptosporidium, which are as small as 4 microns. As a result of the testing, the NSF listing for AquaRevival’s filter states, “When media is loaded according to the instructions for Cryptosporidium parvum reduction this filter has demonstrated the ability to provide a 0.48 log reduction of cryptosporidium parvum at a filtration rate of 3 GPM per square foot when tested with 3-um polystyrene microspheres.” This translates to a 67% first-pass reduction of Crypto in the water operating the filter at top-speed.

For owners of an AquaRevival Regenerative Media Filter, the new Crypto Capture media additive is now available. Contact us today for a quote and more information about how you can safeguard your facility from a Cryptosporidium outbreak.

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